
A Gold Coast Physiotherapist’s Key to Knee Pain Relief: The Crucial Role of Hip Strength

As a seasoned senior physiotherapist on the Gold Coast with 6 years of experience, I’ve witnessed the power of targeted strength exercises on musculoskeletal conditions. One area that we often focus on to build strength in is the often-overlooked hip joint. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the profound connection between hip strength and knee pain, shedding light on why building strength in the hips is paramount for achieving long-lasting relief and management for knee pain clients.

The Kinetic Chain: A Seamless Connection

The human body operates as a complex, interconnected system, and the lower extremities exemplify this immensely. The kinetic chain, a term often used in biomechanics, describes the seamless connection between joints and muscles that work together to produce movement. When one link in this chain weakens or falters, the entire system is affected. In simple terms a weak glute/hip may causing overloading issues on the knee joint when performing functional movements such as squatting, stair climbing and running.

Understanding the Hip-Knee Relationship:

The hip joint plays a pivotal role in the function of the lower extremities, and its impact on the knee joint is particularly significant. Weakness or instability in the hip muscles can result in poor biomechanics, placing undue stress on the knee joint. Here’s a closer look at how hip strength influences knee health:

Shock Absorption: The hip joint is designed to absorb shock during weight-bearing activities. When the hip muscles are weak, this shock absorption capability is compromised, leading to increased stress on the knee joint. Strengthening the muscles surrounding the hip can enhance shock absorption and alleviate excessive strain on the knees.

Alignment: Hip muscles, including the glutes and abductors, play a crucial role in maintaining proper lower limb alignment. Weakness in these muscles can result in poor alignment, causing the knee to track improperly during movement. This is a common precursor to knee pain and injuries.

Stabilization: Strong hip muscles contribute to the stability of the entire lower extremity. Adequate stability is essential for protecting the knee joint from undue forces and preventing issues such as ligament sprains or meniscal tears.

Effective Exercises for Hip Strength:

Now that we understand the importance of hip strength in knee pain management, let’s explore some targeted exercises that we prescribe regularly that can make a significant difference:


Lie on your side with knees bent.

Keeping the feet together, open and close the knees like a clamshell.


Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart.

Lift your hips towards the ceiling, engaging your glutes.

Side-Lying Leg Raises:

Lie on your side with legs straight.

Lift the top leg upward while keeping the hips stable.

In Physiotherapy, addressing knee pain requires a comprehensive approach that considers the entire kinetic chain. Hip strength is not merely a side note but a key player in this intricate system. As an experienced Surfer Paradise physiotherapist, my advice to patients seeking relief from knee pain is clear: unlock the potential of your hips, and you’ll unlock the path to sustained knee health. By incorporating targeted exercises into your routine, you can build hip strength, improve biomechanics, and embark on a journey towards a life free from the limitations of knee pain.

John Macansh

Senior Physiotherapist

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